Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pot Holders

Each year at my husband's family reunion, there is an auction. Normally it's all hand-made goods - quilts, food, crafts, etc. I haven't always made something, but a couple years ago I made a few little books, and this year I decided to make a couple of pot holders.

The money from the auction goes into the family budget, which will, this year, be used for repairs at the family ranch - a beautiful escape located in Cedar City, Utah. 

The wide fields of flowers and trees, away from everything, is no less than incredible.

I can only hope my small contribution to the ranch - as well as the money we spent in the auction, will help, even a small bit. It's always fun to be a part of.

1 comment:

Sally said...

Great pot holders.
What did you get for them at the auction?